I was attracted to this book's cover before I actually realized what it's about. Then I became attracted to the idea of actually reading it.
I'm hoping it'll explain the phenomenon of how, for the past four months, I've been made to feel like a hopeless romantic in comparison to two of my more (sardonic? realistic? emotionally unavailable is the working term) friends (& how they make me feel like an idiot).
"The Beatles may have sounded naive when they assured us that 'all you need is love,' but they may not have been far off the mark. New research in brain function has proven that love is a human necessity; its absence damages not only individuals, but our whole society. In this stimulating work, psychiatrists Lewis, Amini and Lannon explain how and why our brains have evolved to require consistent bonding and nurturing. They contend that close emotional connections actually change neural patterns in those who engage in them, affecting our sense of self and making empathy and socialization possible. Indeed, the authors insist, 'in some important ways, people cannot be stable on their own.'"